Monday 20 October 2008

And We're Off.

Just jumped on scales and weigh ? stone and 12 pounds. I would like to lose 6 stone but 5 would be great!

Owing to an early dental appointment I skipped breakfast only to be told off by the dentist and forced to eat a high calorie energy pill!
Why couldn’t he just give me a chunk of chocolate?

Don’t know what diet to follow. I think I shall look out an old weight watchers book, due to being on an economy drive I shall not go to a class.

I have bought healthy food for a week.

When Peter is away I have to walk the dogs 3-4 times a day so there is another plus.

I’ll add food and drink intake tonight.
Tea with milk x 3
Diet hot choc
Healthy meal
Energy pill! Points = 16

No water...I have a headache. No booze. DTs tomorrow perhaps.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I've gone stale with WW so when I get back from India I am going to Slimming World with a friend. Red days and green days etc. etc., and see how that goes. Good Luck to you - to support you I will run a separate blog showing my weight losses (note - not gains!)