Wednesday 15 October 2008

Fatty Boom Boom

I am so pissed off with my weight that I'm going 'public' on Monday.
I shall tell all who wish to hear exactly what I eat and drink every day. I'm not going to tell you my weight now but will let you know how much I lose.
Someone out there.....please stop me.

Thursday. What on earth am I doing? I went to bed last night and kept thinking of all the things I must eat and drink before Monday! It's not as if I will never have cake again.
I have yoyoed so much in my life. I seem to be able to dicipline myself enough to lose loads of weight but........well, it is all or nothing with me. I can't keep it off.


Judy said...

Take a look at the 'Less is Me' blog, linked from my blog.
Good luck - and I am 'following' so keep looking over your shoulder!!

Judy said...

ps you can find my 'blogging' friends by clicking on my profile.