Tuesday 28 October 2008

Out to Lunch.

Well I survived lunch with Betty! We went to John Lewis and I ordered some lovely mushroom pasta but the (nosey parker, ear wigging our conversation and hearing the word diet) waitress, piped up with ‘we do lovely tomato pasta which has no cream and therefore less calories’ Bloody cheek! I (reluctantly) had to have it then, which I suppose was a good thing.
I wore my new waspish waisted coat but sadly had to leave the waspish belt off…..looked like a sack of tatties tied in the middle. Never mind….soon I hope.
I did however wear my push up bra that my son- in –law hooted with laughter at when I wore it on Sunday…… (I recall the expression ‘nipples up your nose’ was used)… Stu, I’ve lengthened the straps!!

No breckie in anticipation of a slap up lunch.
Tomato pasta
Ciabatta bread
Beans on toast
Yoghurt with sliced banana
Light hot choc x 2. = 17 ½ points.

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