Thursday 20 November 2008

Sausage Rolls and Doughnuts!

My new job involves a lot of standing but not a lot of running about so I’m worried that I won’t lose 2lbs a week. I am knackered when I get home so then sit a lot! If it was lighter I would walk the dogs. Perhaps I’ll take them out for a massive walkies on Sunday. I tried to walk faster than normal to work today but it caused a hot flush so when I arrived my curls had dropped out and my make-up had slipped off!
I know I’m eating too much processed food just now but I hope to change that when I get into my stride. At least I’m resisting the lunch time call from the rest of the (skinny!) staff for Gregg’s sausage rolls and doughnuts.

Tangerines x 4
Snack-a-Jacks x 2 (I know!)
Cup-a-Soup (Yes, yes I KNOW!)
X light cream cheese and salad sarnie
Chicken & prawn stir-fry
Glass icy white Mmmmm!
Light hot choc
Yoghurt. = 18 ½ Points.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Did you manage to get on WW escource?
And don't nag me about too few points!!