Monday 12 January 2009

Must Try Harder.

I only put on .4lbs so very pleased. I did go to pub today though. I had a hard time at work! Well, that is my excuse.
Fellow blogger and follower Liz gave me a great idea for lunches. I think one reason I go to pot is because I don't eat enough at work and so am famished when I get home. I shall make rice and pasta lunches and NO MORE WINE!

Must shop for fruit and veg.

Porridge = 2
Pringles! = 1.1/2
Shortbread = 3
Large wine = 2
Ex light philly = 1
Beef = 2
Tattie = 2
Yorkie = 1.1/2
Sherry!! = 2
Cup-asoup =1
Tangerine = 1/2. = 18.1/2 Points. Very few of which are healthy.


Judy said...

More for lunch sounds a good idea. If you don't have time to make rice, veg etc, what about a different brekkie and take some porridge for lunch?? Cuppa soup is rubbish - you'd be better off making your own and freezing portions.

Word verification below is PHERV, almost as good as the two I had when commenting on Jacky's blog when I had WANGK and SHAGSTSP !!!

Judy said...

Porridge = 2
Pringles! = 1.1/2
Shortbread = 3
Large wine = 2

Ex light philly = 1
Beef = 2
Tattie = 2
Yorkie = 1.1/2
Sherry!! = 2
Cup-asoup =1 rubbish!
Tangerine = 1/2. = 18.1/2 Points.

Looking at the 'naughty' italics above - you could have saved 9 1/2 and used them for something more filling and much better for you. Half your daily points were crap :)


Judy said...

Didn't mean that nastily - lots of love xxxx

Liz Valette said...

I found Sliming World's Green Plan easier to follow than WW.

Cuppa Soup may be rubbish but it's better to have that (with a few noodles) than filling up on sweeties.

I included that idea as an emergency tactic