Thursday 29 January 2009

So Far So Good!

Put on a pair of trews this size smaller and they fitted (check, ginger cake) Hurrah! Eeek...bit of a muffin top.

Porridge = 1.5
Cup-a-soup = 1.5
Milk = .5
Banana sandwich = 3
Apple = .5
Chicken thing from Peter!! = 5
Tatties = 2.5
Snack-a-jacks = 1.5
Wine x 3 (small) = 5 Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Light hot choc = 1
Points = 22
Swap the hot choc for a dram.... or 2..................................Yikes!


Judy said...

I might not be saying much but I am watching you !!

Penelope said...

I know! Swap the hot choc for a dram!! you!